Thursday, August 12, 2004

My Pro-Republican Spiel

So some news on the American race...

How Kerry did immediately after the Democratic party's National Convention. (So - so)

Some funny quotes on the campaign trail:

Femme du peuple (contd)
“You could tell she wasn't familiar with the menu.”
A Wendy's manager on Teresa Heinz Kerry's visit to his ketchup-infested
joint with her husband. The Edwards couple knew exactly what they wanted. The
New York Post claimed that the Kerrys had sneaked in “fancy food” to eat
secretly on their campaign bus after undergoing the ordeal, August

Witty Wisconsin
“They want four more years of hell.”
Mrs Kerry responding to Bushite chants of “Four more years” at a Wisconsin
rally. CBS Morning News, August 3rd

It's like the Beatles
“If the proceeds from my songs go to the Democratic National Convention, I'll be
worked up.”
A Republican member of John Kerry's school band on the rerelease
of their album. New York Daily News, August 2nd

“Like the ugly duckling”
Mr Kerry on how he felt standing next to John Edwards and Ben
Affleck, a movie star. Los Angeles Times, August 2nd

Here's a game which might be fun for some of you, but it costs US$29.95, and it's a seasonal thing.

Some interesting stuff from Democrats who back Bush.

The grassroots site for getting Bush reelected.

A campaign blog in favour of Bush.

And the grand daddy of Pro-Bush blogs.

For some reason the official site is down, is there's nothing I can do about that (I'm suspecting Democrat hackers).

Some fun games about J.F. Kerry (how he loves to point out that it's like J.F. Kennedy, get real, Kerry's not Kennedy):



Kerry vs Kerry

All courtesy of the Grand Old Party.


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