Thursday, December 30, 2004

A reply to Xeno Boy

Recently Xeno Boy posted an article on the SDP, and here's my reply that I posted on his site:

Dear Xeno Boy, i think the accusations that can be levelled against the SDP is that they play too much to a foreign audience.

Dr Chee and his gang tend to travel alot more and go about seeking support from foreign left wing parties. He basically panders to the foreign press and dances for the peanut gallery.

In my opinion I think the Workers' Party does a better job of holding down the local scene and really trying to get things done. They don't necessarily pander to any foreign press and they don't go out often. I also see them more often than I see SDP folk, which leads me to the conclusion that the SDP may only be as useful as a minor party sniping at the edges. It has not proved to me that it can become a government, like the WP. Somewhat like the Liberal Democrats in the old days before the Tories started sucking like hell.

That said I think the National Solidarity Party can recover from its leader's failings and move on up the scale of importance in Singapore's Opposition scene. They are possibly the most hard working, most motivated party i've ever seen in Singapore. They do walkabouts even in non-election years. They're building a solid foundation for becoming a good party.

The SDP has failed in my opinion and learning from the best elsewhere does little if not properly applied. I can learn from the best teachers, but if I don't act on what I learn, I'm as good as toast. Furthermore the Swedes have a longer tradition of democracy, what we don't need is some ultra-left party in Singapore urging for full democracy at once. Too unbalancing. I subscribe to the slow and steady approach of moving towards freedom.

I'm not a revolutionary, but a reformer.


At 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

even given the differences between left-wing parties all over the world, and between the usual 'groupings' such as those in the UK and US, I don't think the SDP is a left-wing party. It is a 'liberal democrat' party, which may have traditional left characteristics, but cannot be easily placed on the old 'left-right' political spectrum. The SDP is associated with other liberal democrat parties in the region, all of which have differences between themselves and also with Western liberal democrat parties.

It would also be helpful if you were to specify which so-called left-wing parties the SDP has been supposedly courting.


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